A therapist, a humanitarian, a husband, a father, a grandfather, an empath. These descriptions only skim the surface of who Majd Kamalmaz is. On Valentines Day of 2017, this 61-year-old American citizen went to offer condolences to his elderly family after his father in laws death in Syria. Less than twenty-four hours after his arrival in Damascus, his family in the United States received word that he was missing.
Majd was detained at a check point in Damascus and hasn’t been heard from since. His family, in shock, contacted the US government and exhausted all means to try to bring him home. They have had no success in their efforts. They are now reaching out to the public to urge President Trump to intervene and bring him home to his wife, kids and grandchildren.

” I met Majd Kamalmaz at HeartMath. He has a kind heart with compassion for those who are suffering. His work with children of war is selfless. He touches hearts to ease suffering. He needs to continue his work.”
Joann Stanga
Majd was a therapist, and had opened a psychosocial center for therapy and healing for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. His center, a HeartMath certified institution, worked with men, women and children of all ages and backgrounds to try to improve their lives mental well-being. Majd’s work in therapy and service to others started long before his work in Syria.
Majd moved to any under served community in the world where he felt like he could make a difference in the lives of others. Whenever a natural disaster struck, he was there. He worked in Louisiana after hurricane Katrina. When the tsunami his Indonesia, Majd went there to serve others. He also worked with war victims in Kosovo and Bosnia following the catastrophic wars in those countries.
His passion for helping others was his life mission. He believed in the power of our hearts to heal.